How to find your passion in life?

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”

Albert Einstein

Probably you have also heard that people say: "I don't know what my passion is", "I haven't found my passion yet", "I don't know what my mission in life is" and so on. Why do you think nowadays is getting so often to hear this kind of phrases? I hope that you wouldn't be one of the people who are still searching and struggling to find their passion in life. But, if you are, let me help you in this article to handle the situation much better.

First of all let's take a look at the definition of passion. Passion could be defined as your strong enthusiasm with deep emotional feelings to do something. However, you must notice that your passion shouldn't always be one single thing (and most likely isn't). The other point is to notice that interest could be another word to describe your enthusiasm to do something, but on a weaker level than passion. You could have many different interests and passions in life, and by fulfilling even a single one of them you could be satisfied and happy with your life. 

The most important thing is to remember that all of your happiness originates from your inner belief system. You have to have an internal way of representing things to yourself to interpret your achievements based on your life values. You don’t have to look for your happiness based on your external environments. In the end, your achievements should make you happy not anyone else! Otherwise, you can be working on something and still feel unhappy because you are not fulfilling your true life desires (values). In this case, you should try to change (at least modify) either your life style or your life values. The importance of your life values will be discussed in details in another article.

For now, let's take a look that how you can figure out your life passions and interests:

1. The first thing to keep in mind is that no one is born with a passion! They might be born with specific talents and interests. But, those interests and talents need to be taken care of and nurtured to be bloomed.

2. Second thing to memorize is that there's lots of efforts and tears behind every success and passion. Keep in mind that nothing in life is ever achieved easily. And, you have to really make an effort to find your way to the success which is laid down in your life passions.

3. One way to search for your life passions is to think about your childhood interests. What was your favorite game? Course? Sport? Your favorite heroes (role models)? and so on. Brainstorm for a while to get some great hints for your possible life passions.

4. Another way to figure out your life passions is to imagine that how you would like to be remembered by others when you're gone. What if today was your last day of living? What would have you done then? Maybe one day would be too short and you instantly say that I would love to spend all of it with my family and loved ones. Well, what if you had just 1 year to live? What would you like to do then? What would you like to learn and achieve in this period of time? Think about it. Your life passions could shape your entire life, success and future.

My suggestion: Once more, I would like to emphasize on the point that no one is born passionate to do something! You might have a lot of different interests and talents. You should find your way out of it. Think about all of your interests such as photography, cooking, sports, research, being an actor/actress, writer, etc. Then, pick one of them and work on it until you get master in it. What do you think the chances of happiness are when you get master at doing something you really enjoy (one of your interests)? The answer is almost %100! You usually start to enjoy doing something when get good at it, even if you didn't like it so much in the first place. So imagine, what kind of joy you'll have while you get good at doing something when you liked it so much in the first place. I strongly believe that passion is not born with you, it grows in you. Passion grows from your interests when you work on them to progress and get master. Be cautious to pick up only one interest at a time to work on it to master. Otherwise, you can't focus on any of them efficiently which might lead to frustrations. After a while (at least one month of consistent work & progress) if you were not enjoying doing one of your interests, you could switch to your next interest and start the procedure again. Good luck working on your interests and finding your true passions in life :)


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