How to deal with frustration?

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

Peter Marshall

Frustration is one of the most common emotions which people would experience it at least during some periods of their life. Usually, there could be two different scenarios which lead into the frustration in the first place. Either the person has not made any progress for a long time that he feels paralyzed to do anything. Or it could be due to the social comparisons and the person's evaluation about himself based on the values of his ideal life. For example, he could see someone else is doing a good job or is getting progress, and he begins to think about his own life. If he realizes that he hasn't moved enough on his own path of living, then he gets frustrated or even disappointed.

Let's take a look at some of the common factors that could trigger the feeling of frustration in you:

1. You haven't taken any action in a long time. If this is your case, the chances are very high that you often feel frustrated.

2. You haven't found your true passion. Most of the people have difficulty finding their real powers and passions in life. That could easily lead them to frustrations or even sometimes to difficulty in finding a specific reason (meaning) for life.

3. You get directed (influenced) by your environments easilyIf you don't have a clear mindset about your top goals & values in life, then you could easily get distracted by your environments including your friends, colleagues, family and so on. This is a certain way to lead you into frustration.

4. You get trapped too much into the negativity. If you have a negative mindset, you begin to count all the things that could go wrong in the next step of your life. In this scenario, you could get paralyzed due to the high levels of frustration which you create in your mind. And, it is obvious that you won't take any action in this state, isn't it?

So, how can we deal with these problems to cope with frustration?

1. Take action, even if it's just a tiny action. The important thing here is that these small actions must be based on your top values for life. Otherwise, you won't feel satisfied by your actions (you still get directed by your environments because you're still wandering around and not fulfilling your true desires). Try to take the first small steps with patience and flexibility.

2. Do the things you're passionate about (at least interested in). In this way, you will feel happier because you're doing some things that you really enjoy. You don't have to force yourself to do the things you don't like. You always have a choice, don't you?

3. Find role models for your passions and interests. That is the way to benefit from the precious experiences of the role models who have already achieved a lot in the area of your interests. Instead of being directed (affected) by your circumstances, be directed by your role models. There are role models everywhere for everything. Nowadays, you can easily use internet to find the most successful people in your specific field of passion.

4. Develop a positive mindset. Before doing anything, change your state and words into "I can", "I will", "I must", etc. These are the great ways to start your sentences with. By using this kind of positive sentences in your mind, you're giving yourself a real power to take actions. Why are you trying to be negative, anyway? Before doing something, you don't know what will happen or how the situation will be. No one knows! Then, why are you bothering yourself to predict all the possible scenarios in the future which may or may not happen. Indeed, most the times, our expected scenarios don't come into reality. So, instead of counting all the negative things that might happen in the future (which paralyze you), why don't you think about all the positive things or the benefits that you can get by taking action. At least in this case, you will boost your mood and energy to be excited for the future. In a nut shell, nobody knows what could happen in the future, so instead of being negative and getting paralyzed, be positive to change your state to be able to take actions.

Have fun getting rid of all the frustrations in your life.


  1. Like a flower for the mind. And so simply put. Beautifully written.

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